The code is followed by its effect on the game.
* Type: capturePlanetGIF - To capture a spinning GIF picture of the planet you are on, which is then saved to the AnimatedAvatars directory on your computer.
* Type: setConsequenceTrait (trait) - Where you see the text "(trait)" instead you type out one of the following traits that you want: cell_carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_military, civ_economic, civ_religious, space_bard, space_ecologist, space_zealot, space_diplomat, space_scientist, space_trader, space_shaman, space_warrior, space_wanderer, or space_knight
* Type: help (command) -This explains the actions and usages of a command. Where you see the text "(command)" instead you type the cheat code you want explained.
* Type: addDNA - To increase how much DNA you have to spend by 150 points.
* Type: moreMoney - This increases your money in the Civilization or Space stages.
* Type: help - This lists all cheats and debug commands.
* Type: killallhints - To remove all hints from the game.
* Type: refillMotives - Where needed, this replenishes your health and other motives.
* Type: SetTime (hour, minute) - This sets the time of day at the Avatar’s position, and optionally can give you a speed multiplier. Where you see the text "(hour, minute)" instead you type the time of day you want.
* Type: freeCam - To toggle free camera mode.
* Type: unlockSuperWeapons - This unlocks all superweapons for your Civilization type.
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