September 28, 2008

Fined $180,000 for Xbox, Ps3 Counterfeit

The 27-year-old Yewchoo Ng is charged with one count of mail fraud and if convicted he faces up to 20 years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, plus restitution.He is accused of buying new Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles, taking off the serial numbers and putting them on older equipment and then returning them to get the Cash back.

Ng counterfeited more than $180,000 from Target, Amazon,, Best Buy, Circuit City, Sears and Wal-Mart.

He would put the older, inoperable equipment in the boxes of the new equipment before returning it to the store for a full refund on several different credit cards and store-issued gift cards.

He would then sell the new video game consoles on eBay or other online shopping Web sites.

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