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Now players are gods of a galaxy, much of it their own making. Spore isn't just a game; it's evolution at work. Consider it the next evolutionary event in gaming that's about to begin......
Or, it has already begun.
Spore is a single-player game in which players share online creations, but really Spore is a part simulation, part user-created experience with play divided into five evolutionary stages: cell, creature, tribe, civilization, and space.
In cell, your existence begins as a single-cell organism, with the choice of being a carnivore or herbivore. Your goal is simply to eat, reproduce, survive, and evolve to the creature stage, where you have similar goals. At both stages, completing enough tasks — consuming enough material, or wiping out a competing species — rewards you with the ability to evolve your character, determining its appearance and its general behavior.
By stage three you're onto the tribal stage, where your now-sentient creature begins to create a community and makes peace or conquers other surrounding communities. The civilization stage is similar, only you have considerably more massive weapons at your disposal, having traded in spears for nuclear missiles.
Once you can lay claim to conquering your planet, you're ready to leave your world and visit others in the space stage as colonizer, conqueror, or peace maker.
Complete enough tasks and your species evolves into higher intellects, eventually
reaching god-level status.
Spore is as grand and epic as any title, past or present. It's also more than just a game.
Already a month in release, Spore has sold one million copies.
However, awards Spore an overall rating of 85 out of 100, based on 46 reviews, with the yea-ers praising the game's scope, the nay-ers criticizing the game's familiar stages.
Still, nearly all critics laud the sum of Spore's parts as a remarkable achievement in gaming.
Article: Read interview of PCW with Spore executive producer Lucy Bradshaw
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